The Press Gang head back to Baldessin Press for the 2024 Printmakers' Picnic, Sunday 24 November.
Once again, the Press Gangsters are packing their picnic baskets and heading for the hills of St Andrews for a celebration of all things Printmaking at Baldessin Press. Head to the bluestone studios at 90 Shaftesbury Avenue to sing and dance along to your favourite odes to the joys and woes of printmaking, while indulging in paella and cake. Rumour has it, there may be a couple of new songs making their debut on the day... Keep up to date with everything happening at Baldessin Press here.
Once again, the Press Gangsters are packing their picnic baskets and heading for the hills of St Andrews for a celebration of all things Printmaking at Baldessin Press. Head to the bluestone studios at 90 Shaftesbury Avenue to sing and dance along to your favourite odes to the joys and woes of printmaking, while indulging in paella and cake. Rumour has it, there may be a couple of new songs making their debut on the day... Keep up to date with everything happening at Baldessin Press here.
Reflections on Padarė Žvirblis Alutį featured in Melburno Žinios, October 2024, Nr 9, pp.31-35.
Read my musings on my recent residency and exhibition experience at the Kaunas Picture Gallery, including the trials and tribulations of flying to the other side of the world with eleven lagerphones, in the October/Spalis edition of the Melbourne Lithuanian Community's glossy newsletter, Melburno Žinios. Click here for the full article.
Read my musings on my recent residency and exhibition experience at the Kaunas Picture Gallery, including the trials and tribulations of flying to the other side of the world with eleven lagerphones, in the October/Spalis edition of the Melbourne Lithuanian Community's glossy newsletter, Melburno Žinios. Click here for the full article.
Padarė Žvirblis Alutį featured on Lithuania's national broadcaster LRT's Panorama, 27 August 2024.
What a thrill it was to have my exhibition featured on one of Lithuanian television's most-watched news programmes, LRT Panorama! Thank you LRT for the generous coverage, and for enduring my fumbling Lithuanian! "Menininkė Cininas australiškus instrumentus kuria pagal baltiškos tautosakos motyvus", LRT Panorama, aired 2024.08.27 21:16.
Tune in between 30:32 - 33:18 to see the full feature interview (Lithuanian language) at this link.
What a thrill it was to have my exhibition featured on one of Lithuanian television's most-watched news programmes, LRT Panorama! Thank you LRT for the generous coverage, and for enduring my fumbling Lithuanian! "Menininkė Cininas australiškus instrumentus kuria pagal baltiškos tautosakos motyvus", LRT Panorama, aired 2024.08.27 21:16.
Tune in between 30:32 - 33:18 to see the full feature interview (Lithuanian language) at this link.
Feature newspaper interview with Šarūnė Kutinskaitė-Būdavienė in Kauno diena, 15 June 2024, (in Lithuanian).
J. Cininas – menininkė tarp Lietuvos ir Australijos 2024-06-15 11:00:00. Viewable at the following link.
Or click here to access pdf version
J. Cininas – menininkė tarp Lietuvos ir Australijos 2024-06-15 11:00:00. Viewable at the following link.
Or click here to access pdf version
Feature newspaper article about Padarė Žvirblis Alutį in Kauno diena, 4 June 2024, Nr108/23210, p.22 (in Lithuanian)
I'm delighted to have my exhibition featured in such an extensive article in Kaunas' daily newspaper, Kauno diena! Click on the image for the high resolution version.
I'm delighted to have my exhibition featured in such an extensive article in Kaunas' daily newspaper, Kauno diena! Click on the image for the high resolution version.
Radio interview with Kortyna Lingienė about Padarė Žvirblis Alutį as part of the "Ryto allegro" segment on LRT Klasika, 03.06.2024 at 7:05am. Tune in between the 13:35 - 25:40 marks for the interview. (In Lithuanian)
A huge AČIŪ to the lovely Kotryna Lingienė from LRT Radijo for her interest in Padarė Žvirblis Alutį and for being such a friendly and relaxed interviewer. A huge AČIŪ also to the poor editor who had to contend with my Lithuanian language skills (or shortage thereof!) and managed to cobble together something semi-coherent. Tune in between the 13:35 - 25:40 marks here to listen to the interview.
Image: Instagram story.
A huge AČIŪ to the lovely Kotryna Lingienė from LRT Radijo for her interest in Padarė Žvirblis Alutį and for being such a friendly and relaxed interviewer. A huge AČIŪ also to the poor editor who had to contend with my Lithuanian language skills (or shortage thereof!) and managed to cobble together something semi-coherent. Tune in between the 13:35 - 25:40 marks here to listen to the interview.
Image: Instagram story.